2020教师资格考试:高中英语试讲稿《Wildlife Protection》


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学科: 英语试讲稿——《Wildlife Protection》

学段: 高中

版本: 人教版

适用: 安徽中小学教师招聘面试



a. Be able to understand and use the words and expressions in this passage


b. Students will know some basic information about the endangered animals



a. students will develop their abilities of  thinking and expressing their attitude towards the wildlife and the wildlife protection.


b. students’ reading ability will be enhanced and students’ ability and skills of guessing words and reading comprehension will be developed.



a. Through reading this text, students will understand the importance of the wildlife protection and be more active in helping wildlife.


b. Through the teaching activities, students will develop their sense of cooperative learning.



Key points: ss can discover the different living situations of different wildlife in Daisy’s journey.

教学重点:理解Daisy 在神奇之旅中发现不同野生动物的不同生存状况

Difficult points: ss can sense the change of Daisy’s emotions during her journey.

教学难点:体会Daisy 在神奇之旅中的情感变化

教学方法:Communicative teaching method, Task-based language teaching method, direct method


Leading in

Show the students a brainteaser.

T:Why don’t polar bears eat penguins? Now, Let’s try one.

Student D: Because polar bears live in the north pole while penguins live in the south pole.

T:Correct. I think you will make a brainteaser expert. Yes, penguins live in the south pole. How many students think they never existed in the North Pole? To tell you the truth, penguins did exist in the North Pole thousands of years ago. But the astonishing fact is that they died out 400 years ago due to over-hunting.


T: boys and girls, how many endangered animals do you know?

S1: panda

S2: south china tiger

S3: Milu deer

S4: rhino

S5: antelope….

T: yeah, you are so great! You are really an encyclopedia of animals. Just now I asked you to list some endangered animals. Do you know wher these animals live, and why they are endangered? Now you can discuss the answers of these two questions in groups. I’ll give you three minutes to discuss.

T: ok, very good. Perhaps lack of food, or too much hunting. So many reasons lead to the situation of many precious animas. We should help them from now on. This passage talks about Daisy and some animals…


Task 1: get the general idea of the passage through skimming

T: ok, class, please read the passage for three minutes, and find out the main idea of the whole passage.

Time is up. Who can tell me the main idea of the whole passage? Any volunteers? Ok, you please. well, you think that the main idea is daisy learnt the importance of helping wildlife through flying. Good. Who can give some supplement? Ok, how about you? good job. The complete main idea of this passage is that Daisy took a flying chair to travel and talked with some animals and learnt the importance of the wildlife protection.

Task 2: answer the following questions about this passage

Boys and girls, now you should read the passage for 5 minutes and then answer the following questions:

Who is the main character in the story?

What helped Daisy go to see some endangered wildlife?

What animals has she seen and talked with?

What is happening to Tibetan antelopes? And why are they killed?

Task 3: find out the words conveying Daisy’s emotion

Now, let’s read it a third time to see how Daisy felt during her magical journey. But you don’t need to read every sentence. Read bits here and bits there. Human feelings or emotions are hidden behind actions. So pay attention to the verbs that may communicate human feeling or emotions. Let me show you an example

Before she started her journey, she longed to help wildlife. If you long to do something, you can’t wait to do it, you are eager to do it. (Show eager on the screen.)

It’s your turn now.


Setting a situation of create a slogan for WWF branch in our school.

Show the students information about WWF.

T: Yes. WWF stands for world wildlife fund. Let’s get familiar with this organization.

There is a WWF whose base is in Switzerland. Can’t we have WWF branches elsewher?

Student N: We can have WWF branches in our family, our class and our school.

T: Do you want to set up the first WWF branch in your school?

Ss: Yes! (All the students)

T: They have a slogan “for a living planet”. Can you think of a similar sentence like the one in our text “No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.” to raise awareness of wildlife protection?

Students began to write “no … no…, no…”on heart-shaped sheets of paper.

Then the teacher evaluate the slogans of students.


Ss summarize the language points they have learned in this lesson;

Teacher makes supplements.

The teacher stresses the severe situation of endangered animals and let students make their efforts to protect animals.


Find out information on other kind of endangered animals and introduce it to us next time.


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